Thursday, March 26, 2009

New stuff!

We finally bought some new bedroom furniture! We feel like "real" grown-up married people now! Here are some pictures of our new bedroom...

This is what you see as you walk in. To the left is a fireplace, and above it we have a beautiful picture of the flat irons. (I forgot to take a picture of that) This way, I can still wake up to see the Rockies every morning. :) The vanity is an antique that stays with the house.

This is taken just as you walk through the doorway.

Our pretty new bed. We have plans to buy some new bed linens sometime soon, but this works for now.

The view out of our bedroom window. :)


  1. Love the new furniture! Cooper cracks me up how he follows you from room to room and has to be in almost every picture! :)

  2. Your bedroom looks awesome! What a great view of the garden you've got through that beautiful lil window.
