Monday, October 12, 2009

Mom's Visit

Well, it's hard to believe that an entire month flew by so quickly! It's funny to tell some people that my mom came to visit for a month. They often look at me like I'm crazy and say things like, "an entire month?!" But I truly enjoyed every minute of her company. It was just nice to come home from work and relax, cook and eat dinner with someone, and just have someone (other than the Cooper dog) to talk to. We payed several visits to Cooper's favorite place in the world-the heath, went to our first English wedding, went for a day out to Orford Castle, and even made it on a long-weekend trip up to Edinburgh!

I don't know why we don't bring along a camera more often when we go to the heath. I always love the pictures we take there, and it's one of our favorite places to unwind. Not to mention, Cooper smiles from ear to ear each time he gets to run around there and play with other doggie friends.
It was a little windy.

The first weekend my mom was here, we were invited to a wedding! Michael, Leslie's son and the chef at the bell, and his fiance Claire (who works the day shift) were getting married. It was a beautiful wedding, taking place in an beautiful 12th century church in a nearby town called Moulton. We had a wonderful time at both the wedding and the reception later that night.

Here is a picture of the church that I downloaded off the internet:
The entire Berry clan


The following weekend, my mom and I went for a drive to the coastal town of Orford. We stopped for lunch at a pub on the way, and then went to Orford Castle-one of the more impressive castles I've seen in East Anglia. It was constructed by Henry II between 1165 and 1173. After touring the castle, we went for tea at a little cafe right on the water. It was a perfect day out.
Me climbing the stairs to get in.Looking out over the town below
Such a relaxing little town.Align Centre
Seeing as how this post is already quite long, I think I will wait to write about Edinburgh. We had an amazing time, but it was a bit of a fiasco getting there. I will tell all about it and post lots of pictures when I have a chance.

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