Friday, August 14, 2009

On to Regionals!

Just a quick post before I leave for work...

As many of you know, Jordan and I have been playing softball for his squadron's team. Well, we became base champions, and this weekend we're headed to the regional tournament at RAF Fairford! A picture of Jordan at bat made the base website, only they got his name wrong. His nickname on his jersey says "Kemper" (mine says "Lexilicious"), and they confused him with someone who actually has the last name Kemper. Here is the link:

Jordan left at about 5 AM to make it in time for our first game, and I will probably ride either a train or bus down tonight or early tomorrow morning. I'll let you know how it all works out...


  1. sounds like you guys are having a great time!! I hope we can come visit maybe next spring ;-)

  2. way to go BIlly!! Haha. You guys are having too much fun out there! Hope all is well.
